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cycleMultiTool User Guide

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Window Size

Select the window size (i.e., the number of price bars) that will be used for the cycle analysis. You can select from 128, 256, 512, and 1024. The default is 256.

Price Source

Select the price source that will be used for the cycle analysis. You can select from open, high, low, close, hl2, hlc3, and ohlc4. The default is hl2.

Flatten Data?

Select true or false. If true, the endpoints of the data will be flattened prior to the cycle analysis process.

De-trend Data?

Select true of false. If true, the price data will be pre-processed to remove any significant trend.

Upper Cycle Period Limit

Set the maximum cycle length that will be searched for during the cycle analysis. Any cycles larger than this will be ignored. Default is 80.

Lower Cycle Period Limit

Set the minimum cycle length that will be searched for during the cycle analysis. Any cycles smaller than this will be ignored. Default is 5.

Amplitude Filter

Set a value between 0 and 1.0. This is used as a pre-filter to filter out cycle signals that may be noise. Default is 0.01.


Set the default number of poles to be used in the Mesa and Lin Predic cycle analysis. Default is 200. Any value between 2 and 256 is valid.


Set the Mesa calculation "Points" multiplier. Default is 10. Any value between 1 and 60 is valid.

Fixed Offset?

Select true or false. If true then the currently selected offset will remain in place even as new bars come in. If false then the offset will adjust forward as each new bar comes in.

Use Average?

Select true or false. If true then an average of the input source price data will be used in place of the actual price data.

Average Period

Set the period of the moving average. Only used if Use Average is true.


Select the type of moving average to use. Select from sma, ema, wma, and vwma. Only used if Use Average is true.

Projection In-Sample Color

Select the color to use when plotting the synthetic series over data that is in-sample. Default is blue.

Projection Out-of-Sample Color

Select the color to use when plotting the synthetic series over data that is out-of-sample. Default is red.

Gradient Min Color

Select the starting color for the gradient used when displaying All Cycles. Default is green.

Gradient Mid Color

Select the mid-range color for the gradient used when displaying All Cycles. Default is yellow.

Gradient Max Color

Select the ending color for the gradient used when displaying All Cycles. Default is red.

Spectrum (Reg) Bar Color

Select the default color to use when displaying the Spectrum histogram. Default is blue.

Spectrum (Max) Bar Color

Select the highlight color to use when displaying the Spectrum histogram. Default is maroon.

Spectrum Legend 1 Color

Select the color to use for the Period x-axis display in the Spectrum histogram. Default is maroon.

Spectrum Legend 2 Color

Select the color to use for the Frequency x-axis display in the Spectrum histogram. Default is red.

Spectrum Legend 3 Color

Select the color to use for the y-axis legend in the Spectrum histogram. Default is blue.

Spectrum Legend 4 Color

Select the color to use for the y-axis frame in the Spectrum histogram. Default is green.

InfoBar Color

Select the color to use for the Information Bar. Default is navy.

Offset Marker Color

Select the color to use for the Offset marker line. Default is dark grey.

Projection (bars)

Select the number of bars to project the Synthetic series. Default is 20. Any value between 1 and 500 is valid.

Extend To Current?

Select true or false. If true then any Synthetic series will always be extended up to the most current price bar, regardless of the offset. If false then a Synthetic series will only be extended as per the Projection setting above.

Spectrum/Display Font Size

Select the font size to be used for text display inside of the indicator panel. Default is 8. Set any value between 4 and 55.

InfoBar Font Size.

Select the font size to be used for the Information Bar display. Default is 9. Set any value between 4 and 55.

Button Bar Font Size

Select the font size to be used for the button bar. Default is 8. Set any value between 4 and 55.

© 2018 Divergence Software, Inc.