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cycleMultiTool User Guide

Navigation: Operation

All Cycles

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The "All Cycles" option can be selected if the currently selected cycle algorithm is either Goertzel or Mesa. When selected it will display all of the cycles found, each in the correct phase and relative amplitude.




In the chart above, the Mesa algorithm has been selected (Mesa button is highlighted) and the All Cycles button has been clicked. You can see that each individual cycle found in the cycle analysis is displayed, each in the correct phase and relative amplitude and each in a different color. The offset used for the cycle analysis is clearly visible as a grey vertical line.


When in All Cycles mode, two additional sets of buttons will be displayed just to the right of the Set Offset button:



You can use these to filter the cycle display. To adjust the display from largest cycles to smallest, click on the "-" or "+" button in the "Lrg" section. To adjust the display from smallest cycles to largest, click on the "-" or "+" button in the "Sml" section.




In the above chart we have clicked on the "-" button in the "Sml" section to remove a number of the shorter cycles.




Set Offset

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