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DS Essentials Collection User Guide

Navigation: Indicators > MESA Cycles


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If this box is checked, a composite plot of the selected cycles will be created. If not checked then the individual cycles will be plotted. The number of cycles used in creating the composite is based on the Cycles menu option below.


This is the data window size to use when performing the cycle analysis. Valid values are 64, 128, 256, 512 and 1024. Based upon the window size you select, the requisite number of bars will be loaded and passed to the MESA function for analysis. Default value is 512.


Upper cycle period limit. Range is from 20 to 300. Default is 105. This represents the highest Cycle Period value that you want to include in the cycle analysis. You can use this to filter the display output.


Lower cycle period limit. Range is from 1 to 200. Default is 4. This represents the lowest Cycle Period value that you want to include in the cycle analysis. You can use this to filter the display output.


Select the price source to use for the cycle analysis calculation. You can select from "Close", "Open", "High", "Low", "HL2", "HLC3", and "OHLC4". The default is "HL2".


Select the number of cycles to use. Range is from 1 to 6. The default is 3.


Set the bar offset for the cycle analysis. The default is 0 (i.e., no offset). Input a positive integer value.


Number of bars (past the most current price bar) to extend the cycles (or composite plot) into the future. The default value is 50 (bars).

Cycle 1

Select the color to be used to draw the first cycle. This is also used when Composite is selected. The default is blue.

Cycle 2

Select the color to be used to draw the second cycle. The default is red.

Cycle 3

Select the color to be used to draw the third cycle. The default is green.

Cycle 4

Select the color to be used to draw the fourth cycle. The default is maroon.

Cycle 5

Select the color to be used to draw the fifth cycle. The default is purple.

Cycle 6

Select the color to be used to draw the sixth cycle. The default is orange.


Select the color to be used to draw the zero-line and vertical offset line. The default is grey.


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