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DS Essentials Collection User Guide

Navigation: Indicators > Volume Profile


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Bars (DWM)

Input the number of bars of data to include in the volume profile if running in a daily, weekly, or monthly chart. Range is from 5 to 3000 bars. The default value is 30 bars.

Offset (DWM)

Input the number of bars back to offset the profile if running in a daily, weekly, or monthly chart. Range is from 0 to 500 bars. The default value is 0.

Days (Intraday)

Input the number of days of data to include in the volume profile if running in an intraday chart. Range is from 1 to 80 days. The default value is 2 days.

Include Current Day?

Applies to intraday profiles only. Check this box if you want the current day to be included in the profile. If the current day is not included then then entire profile is shifted back by one day.

Use Time Filter?

Applies to intraday profiles only. Check this box if you want to filter the profile to only include bars that occur between a user-specified start time and end time. If not checked then all intraday bars will be included in the profile. If the chart interval is not intraday, then this option is ignored. Default value is false.


The Use Time Filter? option can come in handy when creating intraday profiles on US stocks. The BATS data for stocks often includes a 16:00 (4:00pm) bar (generally a doji bar) which can skew a intraday profile. So when creating volume profiles on US stocks intraday, it is recommended that you check this Use Time Filter? box and be sure the start/end times below are set to market hours.

Start Time

Applies to intraday profiles only. If the Use Time Filter? box is checked you must specify a start time for the filter. The time must be entered as HH:MM using a 24-hour clock. The specified start time MUST be before the specified end time. The default is 09:30 which would be 09:30am. Valid range is 00:00 to 23:59.


As an example, assuming a 5-min chart is displayed and that the start time and end time are 09:30 and 16:00 respectively, when the profile is constructed all bars starting with the 09:30am bar and ending with the 15:45pm bar will be included in the profile for each day, and all other bars will be excluded.

End Time

Applies to intraday profiles only. If the Use Time Filter? box is checked you must specify a end time for the filter. The time must be entered as HH:MM using a 24-hour clock. The specified start time MUST be before the specified end time. The default is 16:00 which would be 4:00pm. Valid range is 00:00 to 23:59.


As an example, assuming a 5-min chart is displayed and that the start time and end time are 09:30 and 16:00 respectively, when the profile is constructed all bars starting with the 09:30am bar and ending with the 15:45pm bar will be included in the profile for each day, and all other bars will be excluded.

Value Area

Select the method to use to calculate the Value Area. Select from "70% Method" and "StdDev Method".

Show Value Area?

Check this box if you want the Value Area displayed as colored lines within the price data.

Show Histogram?

Check this box if you want the actual volume profile Histogram displayed.

Color Code?

Check this box if you want the Histogram to be color-coded based on the Value Area. If selected, the colors defined for UVA and LVA will be used in addition to the base histogram color.

Histogram Width

Input the width, in pixels, for the Histogram. Range is from 20 to 500. The default value is 150.


Select the opacity to apply to the Histogram display. Select a value between 1 and 10.

Highlight Range?

Check this box to highlight the data range that is used to create the profile.

Display Values?

Check this box to display the actual profile metrics on the price chart. The values displayed will be UVA, POC, LVA, VWAP, Volume Above and Volume Below.


Select the base color to be used to draw the histogram. The default is orange.


Select the color to be used draw the POC level. The default is magenta.


Select the color to be used to draw the Upper Value Area line. The default is blue.


Select the color to be used to draw the Lower Value Area line. The default is green.


Select the color to be used to draw the VWAP line. The default is maroon.


Select the color to be used to highlight the data range, if selected. The default is grey.

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