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DS Essentials Collection User Guide

Navigation: Indicators > Swing Pivots


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Swing Logic

This parameter has three settings available:


ATR Multiple: The minimum swing size will be determined based upon a multiple of ATR that you define. This is the most flexible option since the logic will automatically transition when you change symbols and/or bar intervals.


Point Move: The minimum swing size will be based upon a point move that you define.


Percent Move: The minimum swing size will be based upon a percent move that you define.


The default is ATR Multiple.


ATR Multiple

Input the multiple of ATR to be used if ATR Multiple is selected under Swing Logic. The default is 2.5 ATRs.

Point Move

Input the minimum point move required to define a swing if Point Move is selected under Swing Logic. The default is 5.0.

Percent Move

Input the minimum percent move required to define a swing if Percent Move is selected under Swing Logic. The default is 0.5 (i.e., 1/2 of 1%)

Show Pivots?

If this box is checked then each swing will be highlighted with a pivot marker (a small colored triangle).

Show Text?

If this box is checked then various metrics will be calculated and printed above/below each swing. The metrics displayed are price, swing volume, swing bars, and swing retracement.


Select the color to be used to draw the swing lines. The default is blue.

Upper Piv

Select the color to be used to draw upper swing pivots. The default is green.

Lower Piv

Select the color to be used to draw lower swing pivots. The default is red.


Select the color to be used to draw the swing metrics if this feature is turned on. The default is black.

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