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DS Essentials Collection User Guide

Navigation: Indicators > Auto TrendLines


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Upper TL Stren

Number of bars to use to calculate the upper trendline pivot strength. An upper pivot is identified when that bar's high is higher than the preceding X bars (where X is the value you input in this field) and at least as high as the highest-high of the X bars that follow. The default value is 2. Range is from 1 to 9999.

Lower TL Stren

Number of bars to use to calculate the lower trendline pivot strength. A lower pivot is identified when that bar's low is lower than the preceding X bars (where X is the value you input in this field) and at least as low as the lowest-low of the X bars that follow. The default value is 2. Range is  from 1 to 9999.


Number of bars (past the most current price bar) to extend the two most current trendlines into the future. The default value is 15 (bars). Range is from 0 to 9999.

TL Length Logic

Select from "Most Recent" and "Draw Longest". When "Most Recent" is selected (the default), the indicator will only attempt to draw a trendline back to the most recent older pivot that would create a valid trendline. This replicates the Tradestation trendline behavior. When "Draw Longest" is selected, the indicator will search back through up to 11 older pivots and will draw the longest valid trendline that it can find

TL Break Logic

Select from "None", "Unbroken by Close" and "Unbroken by High/Low". When "None" is selected the indicator will draw a trendline even if the trendline has been breached between the starting pivot and the ending pivot. This replicates the Tradestation trendline behavior. If "Unbroken by Close" is selected, the indicator will draw a trendline as long as price did not close beyond the trendline between the starting pivot and the ending pivot. If "Unbroken by High/Low" is selected, the indicator will draw a trendline only if price (high for upper trendlines and low for lower trendlines) did not breach the trendline between the starting pivot and the ending pivot.

Show Pivots?

Select from "Current Only", "None", and "All". If "Current Only" is selected then only the pivots that comprise the displayed trendlines will be displayed. If "None" is selected then no pivots will be displayed. If "All" is selected then all pivot points in the price data will be displayed.

Show Text?

If this box is checked then the value of each trendline will be displayed just to the right of the end of each trendline.

Show History?

If this box is checked then, when you scroll backwards in the chart, those trendlines that were active at that point in time will be displayed.

Upper TL

Select the color to be used to draw upper trendlines. The default is blue.

Lower TL

Select the color to be used to draw lower trendlines. The default is red.

Upper Piv

Select the color to be used to draw upper pivots. The default is green.

Lower Piv

Select the color to be used to draw lower pivots. The default is red.


Select the color to be used to draw the price text if this feature is turned on. The default is black.

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