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DS Essentials Collection User Guide

Navigation: Indicators > MTF Moving Avg


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MA Interval

Input the bar interval in which you want the moving average to be calculated. Valid intervals are month, week, day, and any intraday interval between 1 and 480. You can type in D for day, W for week, and M for month.


Note: If you select a bar interval that is smaller than the current chart interval, the chart interval will be used to calculate the average. This can also occur if you change your chart interval after loading one or more moving averages.

MA Period

Input the length for the moving average calculation. Range is from 1 to 600. Default is 10.

MA Type

Select the type of moving average to calculate. You can select from "sma", "ema", "wma", "hull", and "linReg". The default is "sma".


Select the price source to use for the moving average calculation. You can select from "Close", "Open", "High", "Low", "HL2", "HLC3", and "OHLC4". The default is "Close".

Plot Type

Select the plot type to use for the moving average display. You can select from "Solid", "Dash", and "Dot". The default is "Solid".

Display Values?

If this box is checked then the most recent moving average value will be displayed in the y-axis of the chart.


Select the color to be used for the moving average plot. The default is green.

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