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Segment Volume Profile

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TradingView indicators will be activated for your TradingView account and no installation is required. eSignal indicators will be delivered to you via email in zip files. Some of the more complex indicators have installer programs. In most cases we will require your eSignal username so that we can set up the entitlement for the indicator(s) you have purchased.

The majority of our indicators are licensed for a one-time fee (i.e., non-recurring). However, we do have some subscription-based products, including marketDirection Monitor, Harmonic Pattern Collection, and S/R Analyst Pro.


The Segment Volume Profile indicator is a new and powerful tool for price/volume analysis. With it you can create one (or several) volume profiles in any chart based on specific ranges that you select. For each profile it displays the volume histogram, POC, and Value Area. Completely mouse-driven with a comprehensive menu of options. Requires eSignal Username upon purchase.


  • Product ID: PVP05
  • Study only, no source code provided
  • Requires eSignal 12.x or newer
$ 150.00
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  • Volume Profile


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