A handful of users have reported problems (MT4 crash) when loading one of our pre-configured Templates (i.e., harmonicPatternCollection.tpl, hpcIndicatorsOnly.tpl, and hpcPatternsOnly.tpl). However if they load the indicators into a chart directly from the HPC folder they have no problems. We think this may be due to the fact that we are using the most current release of MT4 (which is Build 1126 dated 20 Jun 2018) to compile the indicators, but we are not sure. In any event, we have recreated the template files from scratch in the most recent HPC release, which is 18.9.10. If you encounter this issue please let us know immediately at hpc@sr-analyst.com.
No issues at this time.
Our licensing database is configured to accept license strings based on standard ASCII characters. We have come across a few instances where part of the user's license string (the windows login/user name) contains non-ASCII characters and this can prevent a license string from being accepted. If at all possible, please use a windows login that contains only standard ASCII characters.