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Harmonic Pattern Collection for eSignal

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Pattern Highlighting

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When reviewing charts there will be times when there are a number of consecutive or overlapping patterns displayed on the chart. In this scenario it may be difficult to focus on a specific pattern and clearly see the PRZ.




This is where the Pattern Highlighting feature comes in handy. Simply hold down your SHIFT key and then double-click anywhere inside of the pattern that you want to isolate. All other patterns will now be hidden.




To restore the hidden patterns, hold down your SHIFT key again and double-click anywhere in the chart.


You can also quickly hide any indicators that are running in their own indicator pane.


All sub-chart indicators currently visible

All sub-chart indicators currently visible


In the chart above we have Amplified RSI, RSI Bamm, and the Harmonic Strength Index all running in their own indicator panes below the price pane. If we want to focus only on the price pane we can simply double-click (no SHIFT this time...just double-click) anywhere inside of the price pane and all other indicators will be hidden.


All sub-chart indicators are now temporarily hidden

All sub-chart indicators are now temporarily hidden


Lastly, you can use the Edit Chart dialog to temporarily hide one or more indicators that are currently loaded into the chart.


All chart and sub-chart indicators visible

All chart and sub-chart indicators visible


In the chart above we have Pi Phi Bands and HSI Arrows running in the chart pane with the patterns, and we have Amplified RSI, RSI Bamm, and the Harmonic Strength Index all running in their own indicator panes below the price pane. To hide one or more indicators we can right-click anywhere in the chart and select the Edit Chart option from the menu.


Uncheck those indicators that you wish to hide

Uncheck those indicators that you wish to hide


In the Edit Chart dialog just uncheck the indicators that you wish to hide and then click on the Close button.


All indicators except for the patterns are now hidden

All indicators except for the patterns are now hidden


When you return to the chart only those indicators that you did not uncheck will be visible.


See Also:


Chart Operation


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